the natalie zone
About Posts Things Microblog
  1. My name is Natalie. I live in San Francisco, and ride a lot of bikes and transit, I’m trying to walk more. She/her pronouns.
  2. This blog is my attempt at an indieweb site. I write about whatever interests me at the time. Largely bike+city related. This blog does not have comments, ships with no JavaScript,1 and is just my opinions. Spelling not guaranteed, no warranty, etc. I aim to post things here first, and then optionally repost them, with backlinks, on algorithmic social media platforms.2
  3. My blogroll (blogs I read/like) is at the bottom of this page.
  4. Harder to find but cool pages are: microblog, reading, things. A feed for my blog is available at feed, here’s how that works.
  5. Nerd shit.
  6. You can let me know what you think by emailing


Stuff I’m reading with notes and stuff.

If you’ve got a blog, email me, I want to know about it!

A photo of things I believe in

A transit bus crossing car free JFK Promenade in Golden Gate Park while children and adults run, walk, bike and scooter by

  1. Cloudflare (who I give no money to) does add an analytics script. The site will function perfectly fine if you block it. ↩︎

  2. The only platform I’m still reliably on is Mastodon. You can find me ↩︎