the natalie zone
About Posts Things Microblog

Design decisions

Here’s a mostly unstructured list of why things are the way they are on this site. My ideas are constantly evolving so the state and organization of this blog are not static, sorry not sorry (I do my best with redirects though!). I’ll keep updating this over time as I change things! This post is mostly for me, because I think writing these things out will help me adhere to them better, and be more thoughtful about changes I make. I think the structuring of information is important.


  1. I try to keep bespoke pages to a minimum (ie /about), most content here is either a post, a microblog post, or a thing. There’s also books.
  2. There is a sitemap
  3. Most series-like content has feeds because feeds are awesome, and because you should be able to consume my site however you want
  4. Posts are generally more thoughtful than things or microblog posts, but that’s no guarantee. I write about whatever I want, because this is my website, about me, so it reflects my interests. I don’t want to silo myself.
  5. Posts are generally image heavy, because I like pretty pictures, and because I think they enhance and compliment writing well.
  6. I consistently use footnotes, because I think they’re helpful. I’ll put something in a footnote if I think it provides additional but not necessary context, and/or to avoid breaking the flow of the paragraph.1


  1. The primary accent color (pink) and the secondary (blue) are taken from the trans flag, fun!

  2. Block quotes alternate colors between pink and blue. I do this only because it’s fun.



  3. Tags are one color by default, but some are different colors. This is meant to differentiate more import tags, like ones that group together a group of similar pieces.


Images are served as WebP or avif, instead of non-progressive and less performant formats like jpeg or png. Read more.


  1. There is no JavaScript, because I don’t think a writing-focused blog requires any interactivity.

  1. Hi ↩︎